France’s Prescillia Bavoil, the two-time IPF world champion, for the third time, is set to embark on a path to defend her global title at the 2024 IPF World Classic Championships, which as commenced on the 15th of June. Earlier in February, she went up against the current World record holder, Agata Sitko and her staunch agitator, former world record holder, Italy’s Carola Garra. The monumental clash between all three herculean athletes at the Sheffield Championships, resulted in one of the greatest battles to have transpired within the history of the sport. Her masterful performance ultimately earned her both a second spot behind the crowned champion of champions, Agata as well as earning a hard-fought world Record squat of 225kg.
Music: Bilicho - Karimba
Photo: Prescillia Bavoil, Carola Garra
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